Our Mission
With over 30 years of experience we are ready to build you the house of your dreams.
Since Bob built his family's home in 1979 he has always believed in the importance of energy efficient designs and giving every customer a unique house. In the process we are dedicated to delivering the best value in building services and chosing only expert construction professional to have a part in our designs and construction.
We maintain the highest professionalism and integrity in all of our relationships and business endeavors. Whenever possible we use energy efficient construction techniques and materials that best suite our clients. Saftey is always a concern and we have never had a major accident on our construction sites.
Continuous improvement in all these areas help us to maintain and progress the success and longevity of our company.
The most important thing to us is constantly providing families with homes they will love to live in for years to come. Our goal is to be a residential construction company that leads the way in innovative energy efficent designs. Using time proven methods as well as new techniques to build homes that everyone will love.